Learn how to display computer skills on your resume to land a new job

As the world has become ever more advanced, computers and related technologies have become an integral part of most business operations. Many of the best paying jobs now require some level of computer proficiency, and most employers expect to see you list your computer skills in your resume. Of course, that means that you need to know how to properly highlight those skills to demonstrate your qualifications.

In this post, we'll help you to identify your own computer skills and show you how to effectively include them in your resume. We'll also examine the 11 best computer skills for your resume and provide some useful tips to help you improve your computer abilities.

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What are computer skills?

Computer skills encompass a wide array of technical proficiencies and abilities related to computers and related technologies. These abilities can include everything from being able to use basic computer software to more advanced computer skills like coding, graphic design, and data management. There are also hardware-related skills.

Many of the basic computer skills for a resume are useful in jobs across many industries. The more advanced skills are often industry specific.

Some of the most basic computer skills include:

  • Email use and management

  • Some level of proficiency with Microsoft 365 programs

  • Data entry

  • Spreadsheets

  • Point of sale technology

Most employers will assume that any qualified candidate possesses these basic computer literacy skills, so you will probably want to leave them off your resume unless the job posting lists them as requirements. So, what should you include for computer skills in your resume? Read on to learn about 11 of the most in-demand computer skills!

Related post: What Are Skills? (With Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them)

11 great computer skills employers want to see

While there are a host of computer skills employers need, some are in greater demand than others. As we examine these different computer skills, we'll consider some of the hottest technical skills needed in today's competitive labor market.

1.     Digital communication

As online collaborative tools have evolved, companies are expanding their use of these technologies to boost productivity and facilitate teamwork. Technologies like Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Slack provide new ways for employees to communicate in real time as they collaborate with one another from anywhere in the world. Depending on the job you're seeking, you may want to highlight your proficiency in digital communication by mentioning some of the platforms and tools you've used in other jobs.

2.     Programming

Programming, or the ability to code, is an essential skill for anyone who seeks a career as a Web Developer, Programmer, and many other roles. Programming skills enable a worker to write the instructions that computers rely on to perform their tasks. This is considered a job-related computer skill, of course, so chances are that you'll be seeking some type of coding work if you took the time to develop these abilities.

3.     Social media

If you're applying for a social media management position, you'll obviously need to highlight your knowledge of platforms like X, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites. Keep in mind, however, that social media expertise is a transferable skill that many companies value, so you should consider listing this skill if you're considering a career in marketing or other fields where brand identity is a concern.

4.     Graphic design

Many industries rely on graphics for advertising, online marketing, and presentations. Your graphic design skills can be an attractive resume booster, even if you're not applying for a position that would see you using those skills daily. Graphic design computer skills for your resume can include expertise with Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Canva, and a wide variety of desktop publishing tools.

5.     Data analytics

Data analysis is an increasingly important skill set, as companies continue to rely on effective data management to maintain their competitive advantage. These skills include strong mathematical abilities, critical thinking, statistical analysis, and problem-solving abilities. Depending on the role you're seeking, you may also need proficiency in machine learning, SQL, Python, and a host of collaborative and other interpersonal skills.

6.     Website development

Web Developers need to include a range of computer skills in their resume to demonstrate their competency in their field. These skills include knowledge about program frameworks, front-end coding, back-end coding, responsive design, and testing and debugging. They also need to be familiar with JavaScript or Python, CMS, and Search Engine Optimization best practices.

7.     Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity computer skills for your resume can include everything from network and cloud security to coding, risk analysis, threat intelligence, network and system administration, and digital forensics. If you're seeking a job in the security sector, make sure that those invaluable skills are effectively conveyed to employers.

8.     Network management

Network Managers are responsible for maintaining an organization's computer network systems, including everything from basic operations to maintenance, access management, security, and troubleshooting. If you're seeking a job that will use your network management experience, then network administration, project management, network design, cloud computing, and problem-solving are just a few of the best computer skills for your resume.

9.     Presentations

Presentation skills are used in nearly every industry and in many different jobs. They are invaluable skills for Digital Marketers, Human Resources Managers, and business professionals. These computer skills for your resume can include proficiency in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and other presentation platforms and tools. Resumes that highlight these skills often include other non-technical presentation skills like public speaking, visual aid management, and audience engagement.

10.  General information technology and troubleshooting

Information technology skills encompass a broad range of distinct technology proficiencies. These professionals' duties include everything from cloud infrastructure to troubleshooting internet connectivity issues. Some great computer skills for your IT resume include security proficiency, programming languages, network administrations, data analysis, DevOps, machine learning, and cloud computing.

11.  Productivity software

Productivity software can include many diverse types of programs and platforms - everything from basic word processing, database, and spreadsheet use to role-specific platforms used in your industry. When listing productivity software computer skills in your resume, you should always refer to the job description, job posting, and your own experience in the industry. Include your proficiency with these job-related programs when you need to demonstrate those qualifications to an employer.

How should you include computer skills in your resume?

Now that we've explored some of the top computer skills for a resume, the next question is how to properly convey those skills to an employer. To do that, you need to do more than simply list those skills in your core competencies section. After all, anyone can claim to possess those vital computer skills. To convince an employer that you're qualified, you'll also need to highlight those talents in other sections of your resume.

The following tips can help you to achieve that goal.

Highlight one or two of these skills in your resume profile

You can get a head start on highlighting computer skills in your resume by including one or two of them in your resume profile. Since that's the first thing most employers see, this can be a terrific way to ensure that your most relevant skills catch their attention right away. You can do this by including some skills in your initial introductory statement and mentioning at least one computer skill you used to achieve real value for a previous employer. For example:

Creative Web Developer with 7+ years of experience designing high-performing websites for more than 200 clients. Proficient with CSS, JavaScript, Frameworks, and front end and backend development. Highly analytical SEO expert committed to responsive customer-centric design that drives repeat engagement and brand loyalty. Designed and developed ABC Corp. online brand that increased customer acquisition by 76% and boosted online sales activity by 132%.

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Include your best computer skills in the core competencies section

You should also include your computer skills within your Skills or Core Competencies section. Try to select a mix of key technical and soft skills for this section, and list them in bullet point form. Since you'll be including roughly a dozen of these skills, you should also format this section into two or three columns to maximize your use of resume space.

Related post: Soft Skills Explained - and the Top 7 for Your Resume

Always compare your list of computer and other skills to the qualifications cited in the job posting. You need to make sure that your resume list of skills contains all the job description's required abilities, to ensure that employers understand your qualifications. 

Pro tip: Job skill keywords that you find in job postings are often the same keywords searched in applicant tracking systems. Include them in your resume to ensure your resume is found in searches!

Mention computer skills in your work experience achievements

It's important to include these key computer skills in your work experience section too. Fortunately, there's an ideal way to do that - simply mention them in some of the achievement bullet points that you include with each past job listing. That can provide you with a straightforward way to demonstrate how your computer skills have benefited your previous employers. For example:

  • Created more than 100 professional brochures for the company's clients, using Photoshop and other graphic programs, to achieve 99% client satisfaction rating over a three-year period
  • Oversaw the acquisition and implementation of a new network system that reduced inefficiencies by 33%, cut maintenance costs by 8%, and improved productivity by 41%
  • Lead programmer on Adept Games' $100 million mobile game; created main character design models and boss-level environments
  • Led team responsible for transforming internal communication processes, integrating video conferencing and collaborative technologies that improved teamwork and productivity by 12%

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Create a certification section or add computer courses to your education section

Certifications are under-used on resumes! If you have one or two certificates, you can include them in your education section after your degrees. However, if you have three or more you should consider creating a certifications section to show that you're a dedicated learner.

Include the certificate's title, issuing entity, and year earned. Certification courses will generally have self-explanatory titles like “Introduction to Agile Project Management” or “Certificate of Advanced Networking Topics,” making this an excellent option to explain your proficiency level in a particular IT skill or program.

If you're a recent graduate, you can list courses and coursework in your education section to make up for a lack of professional experience.

Tips you can use to improve your computer skills

Of course, as technology continues to advance, it's important to ensure that you keep pace with current computer skill trends, new platforms, and software. That's especially true if your chosen career involves a job in a tech-based or tech-reliant industry. By committing to personal development now, you can ensure that you maintain an active learning lifestyle that will help you to adapt to any changes the world might throw your way. The following tips can help you to plan your continuing education.

Take courses

The most obvious way to improve your computer skills is to expand your technology education. There are a variety of ways that you can do this, including online educational courses, community college, or studying YouTube tutorials. Platforms like Coursera and Codecademy can be a wonderful place to start if you're interested in balancing your current career needs with your continuing education. Just make sure that your educational choices align with your broader career goals.

It's also important to understand that there are free certifications out there if you want to expand your computer knowledge. For example, Microsoft, Google, and several other companies offer free courses in a variety of computer-related subjects.

Build a solid foundation of computer knowledge

If you never took the time to learn anything about computers, you may just want to start with the basics. For example, do you understand how computers do what they do? This type of foundational knowledge can be extremely helpful when you're trying to develop more advanced practical skills, so take the time to learn the basics.

Talk to your employer

You may also find opportunities to learn new computer skills - or use the ones you already possess - by simply asking your current employer or co-workers. Is there someone at work who uses skills that you'd like to learn? Ask them if they'd be willing to mentor you or just help you get started on that learning process. Consult with your manager to find out about any training or skills development programs that the company may offer. Some firms even pay for courses that develop their employees' valuable skills.

Practice those skills whenever you can

It's also important to use the skills that you already possess. If you have coding or other computer skills but are not yet using them in your job, you should try to ensure that you continue to use them outside of work. Computer skills need to be used if you want to maintain them over time. That's especially true of more advanced skills like coding, so make sure that you're either moving your career development forward or finding other ways to keep your skills sharp.

Use online resources

In addition to online courses, there are a whole host of other invaluable resources that you can access to gain the knowledge you need. A little research will help you to identify forums, guides, and tutorials that can provide you with the knowledge that you're seeking. Take time to join a few online forums and interact with professionals in your field. Chances are that they can provide valuable information and guidance that will help you on your educational journey.

Computer skills in your resume can boost your chances of getting an interview

While it takes time to develop the technology skills you need to keep pace in a rapidly evolving economy, it's well worth the effort. With the right computer skills in your resume, employers will quickly recognize your qualifications and offer you the interviews you need to land a lucrative job. And by committing yourself to continuing technology education, you can help to ensure that your professional development fuels your ongoing career success.

Are you still not sure how to include the top computer skills in your resume? Take a few minutes to get your free resume review from our team of experts!

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